Find the Perfect Massage for You

When you want to relieve pain from your body, there are specific massages that work best. At Buzzella Massage, our team has experience in a wide range of massage modalities. From traditional Relaxation and Deep Tissue to Cupping, we can help you. Our goal is to give you a massage that will be effective in eliminating the tension that builds up from everyday life, injuries and chronic pain. When you arrive for your appointment, we will discuss what exactly is causing you problems and we will then give our professional recommendations and plan your treatment. If you have any questions or ready to schedule your appointment, call us today. 

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30 Minutes starting at $53

60 Minutes starting at $85

90 Minutes starting at $117

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Deep Tissue Massage

Deep tissue massage techniques are used to increase elasticity and blood

flow to the muscles as well as relieve tension and adhered areas. We often

combine our deep tissue with our swedish massage to get the best of both

worlds. We find this combo to be very effective and the most requested.

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Swedish Relaxation Massage

Swedish massage is a general relaxation massage which is commonly used to flush the muscles and relax the body. This is done with long effleurage

movements and a rhythmic flow. This type of massage is very circulatory and

connects your body as a whole.

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Trigger Point Massage

Trigger point massage is the application of static pressure on a small

point within a muscle belly. This static pressure will draw blood directly

to a point in an effort to relax the entire muscle.

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Prenatal Massage

Prenatal massage is for an expecting mother. This massage can include

whichever modalities the mother chooses with proper bolstering. After the

first trimester this massage is performed side lying and can be very

comfortable. Many mothers have low back and sciatic issues during pregnancy

and massage can help make that manageable. Increased blood flow to the

uterus will encourage proper growth, development and a relaxed momma to

bring so much benefit to both mom and the little one(s).

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Myofascial Massage

Myofascial release is a technique that will alleviate the connective tissue

that lies between our muscle and our skin. This sheath of tissue can often

become taut and needs to be pliable to function properly. Myofascial work often feels like burning or a sharp sensation and is often applied without cream or oil in order to properly address the fascia. All of our skilled therapists are trained in this technique.

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Couples Massage

Couples massage is either in the same room or at the same time, whichever you prefer. Each massage is customized to fit the needs of the client and is offered in any length increment. Contact any therapist to set up this session. 

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4-Hand Massage

4-Hands massage is pure luxury and a unique service that is a rare find. The service is performed by two therapists in unison which is where the literal four hands comes from. Our signature style for this is a 60 minute swedish relaxation but you may customize the session to suit your needs. If you prefer to get much work done in a short amount of time, four hands is better than two. Please contact Sarah or Nicole to coordinate.